DIY Mason jars for decor!

20140521-203813-74293691.jpgYou can find the acrylic paint at your local store, I bought the purple acrylic from Dollarama and the baby blue acrylic paint from Walmart for $1.99. The chalkboard paint was from Michaels for $1.97. The mason jars were also from Michaels and they were on sale for $1.99, all Canadian pricing. I forgot to include the sandpaper in this picture, if you want to make your jars distressed, use sandpaper, mine was 100, not too strong. You can find sandpaper at any hardware store, mine was $3.97


I’m sure there are many ways you can make these, but this is how I made it. This is a fun and simple project to do with your friends and family. It’s a great gift to give someone or even to spruce up your bedroom. I created this for my bedroom, I’m currently re-doing my bedroom (finally).  If you end up making these, let me know how they turned out!

First step: Apply chalkboard paint

In this picture, I only used one coat. I didn’t like how that looked so I added about three more coats. The chalkboard  paint gives the acrylic paint a matte finish look. Make sure to let the paint try between each coat. Once I was done applying the coats, I let the jar dry overnight.


Step two: Apply acrylic paint.

I applied about 4 coats,  once again make sure the paint is dry before applying the second one. Once you are done, let the jar dry over night or at least until the paint is completely dry.

The last step is to distress  the jar by using sandpaper. You can skip this look if you want to keep the jars the way they are. I personally like the vintage look it gives it.

Once you are done you can use the jars for whatever you would like. I wanted to use them as vases,  I bought fake flowers from Walmart which turned out really nice.


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You can always add decorations to you jar, I chose not to. I might add some ribbons in the future. But yeah, that’s it! They are really  easy to make!

Thank you for stopping by, feel free to follow me on Instagram @suadyas

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